"Scandals" is part of a series depicting five individuals in comical, fictional scenarios. The main image captures four individuals sitting around a table in a dimly-lit room, with the fourth person holding a comically shaped knife and shocking the others. The series also includes individual shots of each person, depicting them in their own comical character.

The title "Scandals" adds an interesting layer to the series as it suggests that the scene captured in the photographs is a representation of a scandalous event, but in a comical way. The use of comically shaped props, such as knife in the main image and different characters in the other images, is a visual cue that the photographs are supposed to be taken in a humorous way and not to be taken seriously.

As an art piece, the series is supposed to be visually comical, however, it may raise questions and interpretations about the meaning of scandals and their relation to humor and absurdity. The photographs are likely to spark laughter among those who see them but to consider the audience that this series will be exposed to and if it's appropriate, as humor is subjective and might not be perceived as funny by everyone.